"We teach our children all about life, and our children teach us what life is all about".
our program
Our quality, inclusive education program prepares your child well for school.
At Nambucca Preschool, children’s needs come first. So we base our daily program on intentional teaching and your child’s interests. And it works exceptionally well. Our children thrive and simply love coming to Preschool, every day.
We’re an inclusive preschool, openly welcoming children with disabilities and special needs, and incorporating differing cultural experiences and values into our teaching strategies.
Our program is centred on the National Quality Framework, including:

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) which identifies learning outcomes and focuses
a child’s sense of belonging, being and becoming
Education and Care Services National Regulations under which we operate
National Quality Standards, the seven areas we’re assessed on to offer the highest quality service to our parents and their children.
Our educational program enables children to develop confidence, self-help skills, a positive self-esteem and a real sense of belonging.
So, you can have peace of mind that when your child ‘graduates’ from Nambucca Preschool, they’re absolutely ready for school.

For 3-4 year olds, this room take's up to 19 children a day.
On Fridays, our two year old class operates within our Blue room, for children 2 to 3 years old.

For 4-5 year olds, our Green room has places for 20 children a day who are getting ready for kindergarten.

Our stimulating learning environment
Our Blue and Green rooms, combined with our large, natural outdoor environment provide your child with the perfect balance for educational play. They give your child the time and space to explore, experiment, create and discover.
While we find that our children thrive on knowing the daily routine, we also encourage spontaneity and flexibility.
Indoor Areas

Home Corner
Book Corner
Art & Craft

Free Play

Swings &
Climbing Equipment

Water Play

Rock Garden
for imaginary play
Bike Track
Outdoor Gym

Cubby House
Verandah for undercover
outdoor play
Outdoor Areas
Close community involvement
We encourage our children to develop an understanding of the world beyond their home and preschool, and see the beauty and value of their community. Involving your child in the Nambucca Valley community is an important aspect of our program.
Welcoming parent involvement
We value our relationships with parents, and appreciate the knowledge they share with us about their children, using this to enhance our programs. As a parent we welcome your involvement and input in your child’s education by:
Visiting the centre and joining in
Reading our noticeboards and newsletters
Collecting materials and bringing them in for children to use in craft activities
Sharing hobbies, interests or expertise with staff and children
Helping us to maintain our preschool by volunteering at working bees
Donating pre-used clothing for our spare clothes supply
Talking to us regularly about your child’s needs and progress
Joining the management committee or its supporting team.
Sharing your child's daily experiences
An important part of our program involves sharing your child’s daily adventures with you. We have a software programme whereby we share daily, what your child has been up to whilst in our care.
Call us today on (02) 6568 6845 if you require more information.